Joint Accounts

Should I Be Worried That My Boyfriend Refuses to Talk About Money?

How to have an awkward but necessary conversation

Kristin Wong
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2020


Illustration: Laurie Rollitt

Dear Joint Accounts,

I’ve been dating someone for a couple of months and it’s going well. I can see us being in this for the long haul, moving in together, etc. But every time I broach the topic of money, my boyfriend shuts down the conversation. He says he doesn’t like to talk about it, and I always end up feeling crass for bringing it up. Obviously, we can’t spend our lives together totally avoiding any discussion of finances. Help!


Ready for The Talk

MMoney is a touchy subject for plenty of people, but when someone refuses to talk about it altogether, it’s usually because there’s something else going on. Your new boyfriend might be dealing with massive debt, or worried about an impending layoff. Or maybe he’s just self-conscious about his finances and doesn’t want to think about that while he’s having a nice dinner with you.

There could be any number of reasons why your boyfriend shuts down the conversation, so it’s pointless to try to guess what’s going on — but if you see a future together, it’s important that you find out from him directly. If you see yourself…




Published in Forge

A former publication from Medium on personal development. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Kristin Wong
Kristin Wong

Written by Kristin Wong

Kristin Wong has written for the New York Times, The Cut, Catapult, The Atlantic and ELLE.

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