Resilience Is Overrated

In the non-linear trajectory of life, change is vital

Hope Reese
Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2020


Colorful spring is all tangled up against a bright red background.
Photo: Sven Krobot/EyeEm/Getty Images

In recent years, resilience — or “grit” — has emerged as the ultimate self-help virtue. As John Patrick Leary recently wrote in Teen Vogue, the “resilience industry acknowledges that we all go through rough patches, but it insists that our setbacks will only make us stronger,” which clearly appeals in these unpredictable (and deeply…



Hope Reese
Writer for

Writer (currently) in Budapest, bylines @NYTimes, @TheAtlantic, @Undarkmag, @VICE, @voxdotcom & more; follow on Twitter @hope_reese;