One simple strategy for finishing that thing you started

Michelle Woo
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1 min readJun 4, 2021

🔥 Tip: Leave your work “while it’s hot.”

If you’ve ever watched, well, television, you know that screenwriters end episodes with cliffhangers so you’ll be eager to come back for more. You can use this technique to motivate yourself to finish everyday tasks. On Forge, Felicia C. Sullivan explains that when writing, she practices the Hemingway method, leaving the page she’s working on “while it’s hot.” She writes: “I stop work in the ‘middle’ of things so I can easily resume my flow during my next time block. I always have something to return to that will excite me.” One caveat: The method requires you to at least have an idea of where you’re going with your work. But when used strategically, you’ll find yourself wanting to keep pushing forward on whatever it is you began.

🗓️ More from Forge on building a better workday:

The 70/20/10 Rule of Success: Do Important Work or None at All

How a Productivity Expert Shifts From Work Mode to Non-Work Mode

The 3 Breaks You Need to Take Every Day

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Michelle Woo
Writer for

Author of Horizontal Parenting: How to Entertain Your Kid While Lying Down (Chronicle Books)