Do this tonight to fall asleep faster

Cari Nazeer
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1 min readJan 8, 2021

🛀 Today’s tip: For a better night’s sleep, take a hot bath before bedtime.

We’re a week in, and already 2021 is just as exhausting as its predecessor. If you haven’t slept much the past couple of nights — and really, who has? — try this science-backed tip from Elemental’s Kate Green Tripp: When you’re ready to call it on the day, take a quick hot soak in the tub before going to bed. (A shower or heating pad would also do the trick.) “Heat goes a long way toward relaxing tired muscles,” Tripp explains, “and relaxed muscles make it easier to fall asleep.”

📚 More from Forge on getting some rest:

‘Revenge Bedtime Procrastination’ Is Real

What Good Sleepers Don’t Do

Your Bedtime Routine Starts When You Wake Up

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