Being Sensitive Is a Superpower
No, you’re not ‘too much’
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been described as being “too much” or “over-sensitive” or “touchy.” Actually, no, don’t raise your hand. You probably don’t want the extra attention.
I get it. Writer Terri Huggins Hart does, too. She writes in Elemental, “My sensitivity got me teased as a child, and sometimes my sensitivity gets me taken advantage of. Being sensitive often means that I’m viewed as dramatic, weak, overreacting, and too much to handle.”
Hart notes that being sensitive is often seen as a nuisance in relationships, a liability in leaders, and a weakness in the workplace. And yet, as her therapist told her: “Being too sensitive is a quality not many people have. It’s your superpower.” We’re in a cultural moment that calls for empathy. If you’re able to feel things deeply, well, maybe you’re not a problem. Maybe you’re exactly what the world needs.