Add a treat to your media diet

Amy Shearn
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1 min readFeb 6, 2021

📺 Today’s tip: Block off time for some senseless, silly, fun media.

When we talk about “media diets,” we tend to talk about how to cut out the junk. The goal is to hook ourselves up to a steady stream of nutritious information that doesn’t leave any room for the brain-rotting stuff. Right?

But a really balanced diet has room for both kale and the occasional marshmallow. Follow Julio Vincent Gambuto’s example and find one place in your life to swap out something serious for something fun. In Gambuto’s case, a nightly CNN habit gave way to HGTV binges. Your treat can be a silly podcast, a fluffy novel, or a comforting movie rewatch — whatever sounds actually, purely fun. When you frame a treat as a deliberate choice, rather than an episode of mindless snacking, you can enjoy it all the more.

📻 More from Forge on adjusting your inputs:

How to Get Your Attention Span Back

Don’t Take a Break from Social Media. Manage It.

How Not to Live in a Bubble Online

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Amy Shearn
Amy Shearn

Written by Amy Shearn

Formerly: Editor of Creators Hub, Human Parts // Ongoingly: Novelist, Essayist, Person