Do this to hold onto happy memories

Cari Nazeer
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1 min readAug 30, 2020

📸 Today’s tip: Create a private ritual for committing good moments to memory.

When life is hard, it’s easy to overlook the good moments — a win at work, a vulnerable conversation with a friend, that millisecond when your kids are sweetly cuddled together and nobody is crying or asking for juice. These moments are there, but they’re fleeting.

In order to commit them to memory — or at least feel their magnitude — create a private ritual for capturing them. Forge senior platform editor Michelle Woo makes a literal “camera click” sound when things in her life feel generally good. “I’m taking a mental snapshot of this rare point in time,” she explains. “It’s dorky, I know, but it’s become my lazy version of gratitude journaling.”

Pause to take in the good things, and then remind yourself of them when you need to.

📚 More from Forge on celebrating the little things:

Write Down Every Compliment You Get

All You Need Are a Few Small Wins Every Day

You Can Still Have a Perfect Day

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