A quick exercise to clear your mind

Cari Nazeer
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1 min readMay 10, 2020

🖐 Today’s tip: To decompress, breathe with five fingers.

Over on our sister publication Elemental, the psychiatrist Jud Brewer recently explained a de-stressing technique called five-finger breathing. Here’s how to do it:

  • Touch your index finger on one hand to the outside of your pinky on the other hand.
  • As you inhale, move your index finger up your pinky. Bring it back down the other side on the exhale.
  • Repeat for the other four fingers, then switch hands.

Getting through it requires a surprising amount of awareness: You’re watching and feeling your finger move, and focusing on your hands and your breath at the same time. It’s a mindfulness exercise that doesn’t give you any other choice but to be fully present.

📚 More from Forge on staying present:

How the Japanese Concept of Ichigo Ichie Can Tune You in to Your Life

How to Practice Gratitude While Cooking, Doing Laundry, and Commuting

If You Can’t Meditate, Bake Bread

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