A happiness booster for pandemic times

Cari Nazeer
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2 min readDec 11, 2020
Photo: MixMedia/Getty Images

👋 Today’s tip: Find an excuse to reach out to a neighbor.

In a time of pandemic-induced social isolation, as Paul Ollinger reminds us in his latest Forge column, there’s still connection to be found right outside your door.

“If each of us reaches out to a person down the street — even with something as simple as dropping off some fruit from your backyard or a package of Clorox wipes — we can create meaningful communities that enrich the lives of all involved,” Ollinger writes. Where it comes to happiness, those “micro-connections” count for much more than you might think. Especially now.

And that’s not a bad thing, either. “When you view life as local,” Ollinger reminds us, “your block becomes your world.”

📚 More from Forge on building connections:

How to Be a Good Neighbor

3 Easy Ways to Connect With Absolutely Anyone

4 Ways to Check in on Someone in a Non-Awkward Way

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