If Your To-Do List is Impossible, You’re Doing it Right

Here’s how a productivity writer approaches her to-do list

Kara Cutruzzula


Young woman standing on top of tall green bar graph against white background.
Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

Although I write about creativity and productivity for a living, my to-do list is a nightmare. Every day, it’s about a page long with 40 to 50 items. There are categories, subcategories, incremental tasks. Do I check everything off my list every day? No. And that’s the entire point. My list is about the urgent, everyday things, but also about the larger scale, capital-I-Important things I don’t want to lose sight of.

It’s a mess but it’s an inspiring mess. If you keep the bigger possibilities visible — through, yes, staring them down every morning — you remember what all the smaller tasks are in service of. Here’s how to start a whole new to-do list that includes everything you really want to do.

Start with the moonshots

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Kara Cutruzzula
Writer for

Author of DO IT (OR DON'T), DO IT TODAY & DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Daily newsletter: https://bit.ly/3vpPlV3