7 Life-Changing, Non-Boring Spins on the To-Do List

The lists you aren’t making but should be

Laura Vanderkam


Image source: seamartini/Getty Images

We make all kinds of lists: To-do lists. Grocery lists. Bucket lists. Anti-bucket lists. Making lists helps us corral information and get our heads around big tasks. Some research has shown that it can keep us from ruminating about what we haven’t done.

But lists are still a tragically underused tool. They’re great for productivity and big goals, sure, but when you get creative with them, that’s where the magic really happens. A good list can streamline your days and improve your weeks in radical, unexpected ways. Here are a few that you’re probably not making but that could make your life measurably better in ways you’ll be able to… list.

Your (future) end-of-year accomplishments

We all know we’re supposed to put our priorities on our calendars. What gets scheduled gets done! But first, how do you figure out what gets scheduled? Two lists can help you out as you think through what you want to accomplish in the coming year.

On the professional side, picture yourself in November or December. Your manager is giving you your annual performance review, or you’re giving one to yourself. It’s been such an amazing year that you’ve already got the champagne out at 3…



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