Why Some People Don’t Feel Lonely

Feeling socially connected is a need all of us share, but human interaction isn’t the only way to get it

Deanna Pai
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2020


Photo: Bettina Mare Images/Getty Images

There was a point, midway through quarantine, where I started to wonder if I was made for it.

I’m used to alone time in abundance — I spent seven years living on my own. And I know firsthand that loneliness and being alone are two different things, and that the presence or absence of other people isn’t necessarily tied to the emotional state. Still, as the time in lockdown stretched on, I braced myself for the wave of loneliness to hit.

Strangely, it never did. I’m not saying I’ve been enjoying this time — I’d do some terrible things for a carefree dinner out right now — but for the most part, I’ve been doing okay without in-person socializing. I’m bored. I’m anxious. But I’m not terribly lonely.

Some people, it turns out, really are less susceptible to loneliness while alone. Or, more specifically, some people have already been living the conclusion of a recent study: that spending time with other people isn’t the only way to feel a sense of belonging. And while the country may be inching toward reopening right now, the warnings of new spikes, second waves, and returns to lockdown mean all of us would benefit from getting to know the alternatives.

The study, published in the journal Self and Identity, found that so-called nontraditional social strategies—such as playing with a pet, eating comfort foods, listening to music, watching TV, or even following celebrities on social media — can be legitimate sources of social satisfaction. The reason for this has as much to do with human migration as it does with our brains: “While socialization is a fundamental need, just like water and shelter, we no longer have the tight-knit communities that historically fostered it,” says social psychologist Elaine Paravati Harrigan, who led the study as a researcher at the University of Buffalo’s Social Self Lab. “As our society has evolved and changed, we have evolved the ways our needs get met.”

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Deanna Pai
Writer for

I’m a writer and editor in New York City. You can find my work in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, New York Magazine, and beyond.