In Business, Be a Farmer, Not a Hunter

Success doesn’t have to be a numbers game

Felicia C. Sullivan
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2019


Photo: Stephen Lux/Getty Images

OOver the past few years, I’ve seen the online marketing space become a cult of “more.” The celebrities of the industry — better known as the “gurus” — peddle a myopic hunting technique where the sole goal is an acquisition: Follow these five easy tips and score another fan, or subscriber, or follower, or comment, they promise. For only three payments of $99, you, too, can learn the secret formula for growing your email list, winning the SEO game, and achieving epic reach.

It all makes me want to reach for my bed and hide under the covers.

In my own work as a brand strategist and digital marketing consultant, I prefer to be a farmer instead of a hunter. I choose to put down the spear and instead, plant seeds and tend to them until the day I can admire the bloom. This isn’t to say that a hunter’s mentality isn’t right for some people, but it feels as if it’s evolved to be the only mechanism for growth. And I’ve seen otherwise: I have a thriving six-figure business that doesn’t lean on the hot and flashy. Instead, it has grown steadily because I’ve cultivated relationships, invested in content, and have amassed a small, but mighty following that actually looks forward to my notes in their inbox and my stories in their feed.




Published in Forge

A former publication from Medium on personal development. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Felicia C. Sullivan

Written by Felicia C. Sullivan

Storyteller/Author. Marketing Exec in a former life. Hire me: My Substack:

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