What Happened When I Invited Hundreds of People to Watch Me Work

The importance of accountability

Michelle Loucadoux


Photo: J_art/Getty Images

I recently conducted an experiment. I wrote an article inviting readers to watch me write for 45 minutes on weekday evenings and added a Zoom link to the end of the article. Well, nobody ever showed up. But that was fine. Because I got a lot done.

See, I didn't know that no one would show up. Every evening, I would diligently turn on my computer, open up a blank page, and start writing while zero people entered my virtual doors. My dedication to the the potential attendees was distinct.

Here’s the truth I discovered: Accountability is everything.

Accountability — and why it’s scary

Most of us have heard that accountability is one of the most effective tools for sticking to our goals. We have apps that pair us with accountability partners and practically everyone makes New Year’s resolutions. Accountability is everywhere. But it’s not a tool used that often for productivity.

So, why don’t we do it more often to get more done? Short answer: It takes away our “out.”

See, humans are masters at fooling ourselves. We talk ourselves into that way-too-expensive dress because we “need it for a wedding.” We justify…

