To Argue Productively, Meet in a Neutral Space

The spaces where we disagree have a hidden effect on our arguments

Buster Benson
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2019


Illustration: Siggi Odds

TThink back to a recent argument. Now put aside the argument itself and think about the environment that the argument happened within. Was there anything about the environment that encouraged or discouraged different fruit of disagreement to emerge?

What was the power dynamic?

What were the expectations for what had to come out of the argument?

Was there any additional hidden context that influenced the argument without making itself explicitly known (like cultural norms, shared history, the medium of communication it was happening in, the constraints of time, etc.)?

We like to think of our arguments as existing outside the context of time and space, as perfectly rational dissertations that clash and resolve based on their objective merits alone. But the physical space that disagreements occur in actually influences the voices we listen to (whom can we hear?), the dynamics of the conversation (what roles of authority are people playing?), how people participate (who is allowed to speak?), and even who participates (who is allowed in the room?).

When a disagreement sparks in a work context, with your boss, the voice of reason is…



Buster Benson
Writer for

Product at @Medium. Author of “Why Are We Yelling? The Art of Productive Disagreement”. Also:,, and