The Real Point of Dave Asprey’s Quest to Live Forever

The Bulletproof founder and biohacker talks about his new book and his ‘hobby’ of chasing immortality

Tom Chiarella
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2019


Dave Asprey at the Bulletproof Labs launch on October 11, 2017. Asprey works out his arms on a gym exercise machine.
Photo: JB Lacroix/Getty

MyMy grandmother lived forever, and by that I mean 102. She always said, “I plan to live until next February.” It was a modest plan, requiring a lot of bridge, no small amount of vodka, Planters Cheez Balls…



Tom Chiarella
Writer for

Tom Chiarella: 5 books, most recently: Becoming A Life Coach. Written for Esquire, Popular Mechanics, Golf, Outside, Runner’s World, O: the Oprah Magazine, Elle