The Life-Changing Magic of Having ‘Enough’

What would happen if we stopped constantly lifting our eyes to the next target?

Ryan Holiday
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2019


Credit: Rob Elliott/Getty Images

My dream was to write one book. A real, published book. For years, that was my vision of success.

It took a long apprenticeship, but it happened. I sold my first book at age 25. And then, almost immediately, it became clear in my mind that — you know what? — real success is writing a bestselling book. Before I could pin up the first newspaper clipping about my debut title, I started writing a proposal for my next one.

I wanted to be a millionaire. Did it. I wanted to buy my own home. Did that, too. Then, when I found my dream house, I remember thinking, “If I can just get this, I’ll have everything I want.” A year later, I was ripping out the floors and remodeling the whole thing because I craved something better.

Oh, and that one book spiraled into more than one book a year. My ninth, Stillness Is the Key, is out next week, and now I’m working on my tenth.

Looking back, it’s hard to say whether the proper response to all this is pride or exhaustion.

Austrian writer Stefan Zweig tells us, “History relates no instance in which a conqueror has been surfeited with conquests.” The human mind, our drive to acquire, is…




Published in Forge

A former publication from Medium on personal development. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Ryan Holiday
Ryan Holiday

Written by Ryan Holiday

Bestselling author of ‘Conspiracy,’ ‘Ego is the Enemy’ & ‘The Obstacle Is The Way’

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