Kristin WongPainless Financial Advice for People Who Hate Dealing With MoneyHow “money avoiders” can overcome their aversionJan 8, 20196Jan 8, 20196
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Rachael BerkeyMeal Prepping My Way Out of Minimum Credit Card PaymentsMy debt has gone down and I’m surprisingly better at cooking than I thoughtApr 26, 20186Apr 26, 20186
Kristin WongThe Mindset That Makes You Better With MoneyJust thinking of yourself as powerful helps you make better financial decisionsOct 24, 201814Oct 24, 201814
Kristin WongIs It Worth Asking for a Prenup If I’m Not Rich?Think of this as practice for all the tough conversations that marriage entailsMay 20, 201917May 20, 201917
Kristin WongWhen You Know Nothing About Your Partner’s FinancesWhat’s the best way to ask your significant other about their money situation?Apr 15, 20194Apr 15, 20194
Kristin WongWhen Your Partner Has Old-Fashioned Money ViewsHow to handle tension over who should pick up the checkMar 25, 201918Mar 25, 201918