Michael Thompson5 Unconventional Tips to Make Hard Tasks EasierSometimes the best way to move a boulder is by walking awayMar 1, 20225Mar 1, 20225
Michael ThompsonStop Trying to Reinvent Yourself and Get to Know Yourself InsteadClarity and heightened self-awareness come when we allow ourselves to fall back to zeroOct 26, 202113Oct 26, 202113
Alyssa BlackwellHow I Use Tarot Cards for Daily JournalingAn answer to the question, “what the heck do I journal about?”Feb 17, 20227Feb 17, 20227
Taru Anniina LiikanenFailing Better Is Not That EasySometimes you need a break to catch that upward mobility of failureJan 16, 2022Jan 16, 2022
Brianna ConreyFor a Happier Life, SatisficeA reformed perfectionist’s journey toward “good enough”Jan 18, 20224Jan 18, 20224
Ana KrajinovicA Comic Journaling Exercise to Kickstart Your DayTry this simple journaling technique for mental healthDec 9, 20211Dec 9, 20211
Niklas Göke5 Lessons I Learned From Meditating for 800 Days in a RowNo. 3: Imagine your thoughts as a riverDec 2, 202114Dec 2, 202114
Tom FroeseA Dream is Not a Destination — It’s a GuideA story for anyone who feels like they’ll never truly “arrive”Nov 3, 20215Nov 3, 20215
Jane Elliott PhDStop Listening to Your Horrible Boss — the One Inside Your HeadThey promise to make you more productive, but they’re actually holding you back. Here’s how to demote them.Nov 7, 202111Nov 7, 202111
Michael ThompsonYou’re Not Good Enough Yet and That’s a Great ThingA reminder that life is longOct 28, 202121Oct 28, 202121