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Self-Help Books Written by Your Friends Who Don’t Understand Depression

Feeling better isn’t all that complicated, apparently

Kyrie Gray
3 min readAug 30, 2020


Smiling woman reading a book.
Photo: Tara Moore/Getty Images

Talking to your friends about your depression doesn’t have to be so hard. In fact, I bet they have tons to say about it. Many of them would gladly write books to help you get over your issues. Here are some bestselling titles they might come up with.

Look, you have two choices in life: You can overthink everything and get overwhelmed, causing you to stare at your wall and cry. Or you can choose to go out there and live life to the fullest, never thinking at all. I believe we all know which choice is the winner here.

In case you didn’t know, your friend had depression, too. Well, they felt sad, but it was basically the same thing, according to WebMD. And if they were able to conquer their debilitating sadness after a week, so can you.




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Kyrie Gray
Kyrie Gray

Written by Kyrie Gray

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