One thing you’ll want to add to your calendar today

Cari Nazeer
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1 min readNov 24, 2020

This week, the Daily Tip is offering advice on how to approach this strange holiday time.

☎️ Today’s tip: This week, block off time for a long phone call.

We’re all feeling extra grateful for our various group chats and text threads these days. But when it comes to really connecting, there’s nothing like an old fashioned, real-time phone call, especially during a week that’s going to be tough for a lot of people. As Tim Harper writes, “Besides information, a voice can express feelings. We can sense others’ joy or fear or uncertainty, especially if we know them well.”

Bonus points if you can cosplay an old-fashioned landline, and stay put while talking. No walking, no multitasking. Just you and uninterrupted quality time with someone you love.

📚 More from Forge on having great conversations:

Let’s Not Forget the Joy of a Spontaneous Phone Call

How To Talk To Anyone

Create a Politics Text Thread to Get You Through the Next 4 Years

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