Is It Possible for an Introvert to Become an Extrovert?

The answer isn’t a simple yes or no

Alexander M. Combstrong


Photo: Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images

It’s a question I’ve asked myself in the past: Is it possible for an introvert to become an extrovert? The short answer is “kind of.” But after studying what true introversion is, I believe the better answer is why would you want to?

If you wish to become an extrovert, what are your reasons? Is it because you want to be able to do all the things extroverts do: be bold on stage, hold the room in conversation, or approach strangers with ease? Or do you want the image of being an extrovert and for people to like you?

If you want to do all the things extroverts do, I have good news: You can. I do, and I’m a 100% bona fide introvert. Stage presence and conversation prowess may not come naturally, and you may have to learn certain skills, but you can do it the introvert way and enjoy it even more. However, if you only want the image of being an extrovert, here’s the hard truth: It’s not going to work out, so stop that mission immediately. You’ll never measure up to the image you want, and that can lead to mental health pressures.

Here’s what I find comforting: While you can’t switch from being one to the other — it’s partly genetic, after all — you can change some of the behaviors linked to your introversion and act like…



Alexander M. Combstrong

Research-backed ways to change your life for the better. Out now: The Confident Introvert’s Handbook. Actor/screenwriter. Forge, Better Humans, Mind Cafe.