If You Want Less Drama in Your Life, Use the Science of Sound

Sick and tired of nonsense drama sucking up all of your energy and free time? You can banish all of it almost instantly, thanks to the science of sound.

Sarah Cottrell


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I have a near-zero drama life. It isn’t quite zero because I have three kids, and they love to drag their drama around my house like dirty laundry and empty cups, but they’ll learn. It took me a long time to understand that drama requires three things to exist, like sound.

  1. Someone to make the drama.
  2. Something for the drama to travel through.
  3. Someone to receive it.

If you remove one of those three things, the drama will be reduced to a golden silence, just like sound.

But before you can remove any of the three parts of a drama spiral, you first have to figure out which spoke of this annoying wheel you are participating. And honestly, sometimes that is a tricky thing to figure out.

To be clear, I am not talking about situations when friends genuinely need help with something personal in their lives. But for those who want to complain for the sake of being dramatic and annoying, these tactics will work.



Sarah Cottrell
Writer for

Writer + Editor | Slow Living + Science Nerd | Rep’d by Folio Lit | Follow my stories here: https://sarahcottrell.medium.com/membership