Your Daily Tips

One Simple Question to Anchor Your Day

Even on the busiest mornings, this prompt has brought me amazing clarity

Sasha Doyle
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2021


Photo: Betsie Van Der Meer/Getty Images

Editor’s note: Last month, we asked for your Daily Tips—the strategies, life hacks, and bits of wisdom that have made your life better. We love reading your responses and will be featuring some of our favorites here on Forge. To share your own Daily Tip, simply publish a post on Medium with the tag MyDailyTip.

I always felt bad after reading articles about the power of the the Morning Routine. Not because I didn’t believe that having one would benefit me, but because I could never make it work.

My mornings are full on. Time is scarce. I often work late as well, so getting up any earlier isn’t sustainable.

Then I heard a podcast by Greg McKeown, the best-selling author of Essentialism. He had a tip for anyone under time pressure but looking to improve their day. He recommends asking yourself a simple question every morning, and see where it brings you.

That question is, “What’s the most important thing I have to do today?”

It’s been unbelievably effective for me. When I started asking myself the question, my answers were basic and almost 100% task-related. For example, “I have to…



Sasha Doyle
Writer for

Corporate CFO, Entrepreneur, & Learner. Writing about business, personal finance, & personal growth and development.