I’m Done With the Household Duty Disparity

My husband went away and left me a list of jobs

Leanne Mullan


Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

My husband has gone away for four nights with some friends. He’s packed a heck of a lot of beer and some fishing rods, so, I think he’ll be extremely drunk and starving as I’ve never, ever seen him catch a fish before. He’s spending his time on a houseboat in a stunning location off the east coast of Australia. I’m only slightly (a lot) jealous.

Anyways, he left the house before 6am this morning and when I got out of bed, I saw that he had written me a note outlining the jobs I needed to do whilst he was away. What a thoughtful soul.

It wasn’t a long list; however, it was fairly detailed. I am to feed the fish twice a day, one of these feedings should be at precisely 5pm and I also need to give our budgies some fresh water and seed. See below instructions.

Photo by Dr Leanne Mullan

I’m feeling a little under pressure with these responsibilities. They are significant and time-consuming tasks and I’m not quite sure that I’m up to the challenge. Can I keep these animals alive for four whole days without his help?



Leanne Mullan
Writer for

Frazzled mom. Creative, nerdy, lover of green. Obsessively organized. Donut addict. Diabetes specialist. Doctor of Philosophy. Newsletter:drleannemullan.ck.page