Go on, have a little treat
🍫 Today’s tip: Sock away a small luxury to indulge in later.
Pandemic life can feel a little monotonous, wouldn’t you say? It’s just…a little…monotonous. But you can give future-you a treat by stockpiling some small luxuries now. It’s not about denying yourself pleasure in the moment, so much as giving yourself something to look forward to. As Manoush Zomorodi says, “Knowing there’s a delicious box of dark chocolate caramels waiting for you just in case today is the day you totally lose your shit? That’s not delaying gratification. That’s a tool in your coping toolbox.” So stash away a favorite scented candle or the good whiskey (er, herbal tea, we mean!) for a day when you really need a tiny pick-me-up.
✍️ We want to hear from you. What treat are you saving for later? View this email on Medium to let us know in a comment!
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Make the Plan Even If You Know It Won’t Happen
Microdose Anticipation To Make It Through a Year Without Plans
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