What Do You Do With Your Big Goals When the World Is Falling Apart?

In uncertain times, what you want to achieve still matters

Shaunta Grimes
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2020


A photo of an older black man holding a trumpet in his living room. He is laughing.
Photo: MoMo Productions/Getty Images

TThe world is in an uncertain moment right now. Suddenly, your personal goals, the things you were so passionate about just a couple weeks ago, might feel less than important. Who cares about all the training you’ve done for your first marathon if you’re not sure you’ll have a job in a few weeks? How can you think about that art exhibit you’ve planning when the news is full of people getting sick? Are you really trying to launch that podcast about houseplants when others around you are confronting economic devastation, xenophobia, and mental health issues?

It’s easy to think, “Well, the sky is falling,” and shove those dreams into a box in the closet. But that would be a mistake. Even if you have to focus on other issues that are more pressing or essential to your immediate well-being, your big goals still matter. It’s not selfish or foolish to keep striving toward them — in fact, they may get you through these rough times and open up opportunities for you to help others. Here’s how you can maintain at least some momentum on your goals during chaotic times.

Forget about crushing your goal — just touch your goal every day



Shaunta Grimes
Writer for

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