Member-only story
Don’t Be Dumb on Social Media
Reminders we all need. Yes, even you.
We all know how to use Twitter without setting ourselves up for a scandal, right? We’ve gotten used to not starting pointless fights on Facebook, and not posting incriminating photos on Instagram, and not doing anything at all on TikTok because we’re all too old for that, every last person on Earth is too old for that. Right?
Well actually, no, and I’m willing to bet there’s some “common sense” rule of social media each of us is guilty of breaking at one point or another. Shane Paul Neil has an irreverent — and totally useful — rundown of what he calls “The Ten Crack Commandments of Social Media.” Commandment number five: “If I tell you that my dog died, I have an incurable disease, or my wife left me, don’t hit the like button. It looks like you’re rooting for my misery.” Read the entire piece here: