An Ancient Decision-Making Technique for the New Year

Let Virgil’s “The Aeneid” guide you in 2022

Matthew McFarlane


Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

One of the best things about being an English major was that after a few introductory classes, my books became pretty cheap. They were usually novels, poetry collections, or slim nonfiction volumes that I could get used for less than $10.

One of the worst things about being an English major was that at the end of the semester, when I took my books to the buyback tents around campus, I was usually offered $10 for the lot of them.

My reluctance to part with my books each semester — even for the price of a pitcher of beer — is how I came to have a copy of Virgil’s The Aeneid on my bookshelf. I bought it for a class on Roman poetry and decided to keep it because it looked like something a Smart Person would have and was worth something like $.50 to the buyback guys.

For a while, it appeared the book was destined to gather dust on my shelf, but it wasn’t long before I found a reason to regularly crack it open: Sortes Virgilianae.

I came across the concept of Sortes Virgilianae a few years ago in Nicholas Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile, a tiresome and repetitive book that I did not finish (I have to believe even his most ardent fans can agree that things went a little sideways after Black



Matthew McFarlane

Reader, writer, content provider. Fan of hand-made guitars, racket-based sports, and houseplants. You can find me in St. Louie.