A vital tip to protect your family from Covid-19

Amy Shearn
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1 min readFeb 23, 2021

😷 Today’s tip: Devote a hook to each mask-wearer in the household.

We’ve gotten good at making sure our masks fit properly and that we wear them when necessary, but what happens once we’re back home again?

Elemental executive editor Anna Maltby shared her family’s brilliant hack for keeping masks organized and sanitary: For their three-mask-wearers, she attached five hooks to the wall near their door. One hook holds their supply of currently clean masks. One hook has her mask for the day, the next has her husband’s, the next has her son’s. And the last hook corrals all the dirty masks to be washed at the end of the day. So simple, and yet you’ll never scrounge around for a grubby mask again.

👍 More from Forge on staying safe in the pandemic:

How to Not Make Dumb Decisions

Reducing Social Stress During This Pandemic Winter

How to Manage Quarantine Hangs

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Amy Shearn
Amy Shearn

Written by Amy Shearn

Formerly: Editor of Creators Hub, Human Parts // Ongoingly: Novelist, Essayist, Person

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