A trick to make yourself feel more energized
🎾 Today’s tip: Watch a TV show or tennis match to borrow a productivity boost.
Feeling hopelessly stuck in a rut? The good news is, you don’t need to pull yourself out. Let someone else motivate you instead.
As Lauren Allain explains in Forge: “When my productivity dwindles, I watch Survivor, Alone, The Amazing Race, or an epic sports event — and watch my productivity and motivation skyrocket.” After watching someone else perform difficult-to-impossible physical and mental feats, “replying to my pile of unread emails seems much more manageable.” Finishing that nagging memo is harder than doing nothing, but it’s a lot easier than, well, a whole lot of other things. Sometimes, perspective can be a jolt of energy in its own right.
💥 More from Forge on getting motivated:
To Find a Better Solution, Ask a Better Question
When Everything Sucks, Rehearse Your Joy
A Game to Get You Un-Stuck on Crappy Feelings
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