This Deceivingly Simple Digital Filing Method Is the Time-Saver I Need

You can set up the PARA method across all your platforms in 30 minutes flat

Charlotte Grysolle


Source: Unsplash

I recently wrote a post on my favourite apps and tools and noticed a lot of interest in my mention of the PARA method, the digital filing system I have been using for my personal and professional life.

Most people, myself included until a couple of months ago, don’t really have a filing system to speak of. Sure, I’d create folders and subfolders, but I wouldn’t put much thought into the structure.

For me, this made it hard to remember where I put certain documents and would often take me a long time to find what I am looking for (if I could find it at all). As we move more and more of our lives online, it’s a good idea to have some basic systems that make you (feel more) organized and efficient.

That’s where the PARA method comes in. It’s deceivingly simple, but that’s what makes it so powerful. And what’s even better — it’ll take you less than 30 minutes to set it up.

Let’s jump in.

What is PARA?

The PARA method was developed by Tiago Forte, a productivity expert and the founder of Building A Second Brain. He’s all about creating systems…



Charlotte Grysolle
Writer for

Exploring the neuroscience and psychology behind focus, motivation and mental resilience. 🤸‍♀️ More on