A Crisis Is a Terrible Time to Re-Prioritize

The only epiphany you need to have in a crisis is that you deserve to be happy

Natasha Frost


A young man, with his hand on his forehand, looks distressed.
Photo: urbazon/E+/Getty Images

Your life is in flux, whether you like it or not. Over the last several months, successive lockdowns have pulled the rug from beneath our feet, plunging our work, professional, and even romantic lives into chaos. In response, some of us have fought back, trying to exercise some modicum of control ourselves via a seismic life change.

In the spring and early summer, couples moved in together long before they’d planned to; extraordinary numbers of people relocated suddenly; and professionals had come-to-Jesus moments of wanting to pursue different, maybe more meaningful or personally significant, careers. Now, in this “Great Pause” (so we thought), we finally understood what was really important. Or had we?

But the pandemic doesn’t need to be an excuse to turn your life upside down. In fact, it might be the worst possible time to do so. Here’s why, and what to do instead:

Stress impairs



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