Published inForgeA Great To-Do List Should Be Impossible to Pull OffWhy I’m going to die with a list a mile alongNov 11, 20202Nov 11, 20202
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‘Pulling the Thread’ Is a Simple Way to Sneak Up on Your GoalsIt’s an antidote to over-thinking.Feb 21, 2020Feb 21, 2020
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Published inMagentaWhat I Learned from 165 Creative FailuresAfter a year of creative moonshots and missteps, I discovered everything people don’t tell you about the other “F” word.Jan 24, 20182Jan 24, 20182
Published inMagentaThe Eternal Struggle to Balance Creation and ConsumptionAfter an app revealed the depths of my media distraction, I turned to other creatives to see how they stay productive.Nov 9, 201719Nov 9, 201719