Published inForgeHave you heard about the Medium Writers Challenge?We’re giving away $100,000 in prizes.Aug 7, 20216Aug 7, 20216
Published inForgeThe ultimate spring-cleaning trick👕 Today’s tip: Use this system to streamline your closet.May 11, 20212May 11, 20212
Published inForgeA simple strategy to help you make a big change📆 Today’s tip: To make any transition, set a deadline and work backwards.May 10, 2021May 10, 2021
Published inForgeOne question to ask for a better day🤔 Today’s tip: Ask yourself, “How am I feeling today?”May 8, 2021May 8, 2021
Published inForgeThe best strategy to get over a mental hurdle💬 Today’s tip: When you’re feeling stuck, talk through the problem out loud.May 7, 20211May 7, 20211
Published inForgeBonus tip: A conversation you won’t want to missTalking power and leadership with the co-founder of #BLMMar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021
Published inForge“Our relationship is space, at the moment.”In Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah yesterday, Harry explained where things stand between him and his brother, Prince…Mar 8, 2021Mar 8, 2021
Published inForgeLying to Yourself Is an Underrated Productivity ToolMy dog does this thing sometimes where she eases her way into trouble: Whenever a pillow or table leg catches her eye as particularly…Feb 4, 20217Feb 4, 20217
Published inForgeJanuary Was Just PracticeMost of us enter January on the life equivalent of a Red Bull high: amped, but in an intense, jittery way that inevitably leads to crash.Feb 1, 20213Feb 1, 20213
Published inForge“Skillful, loving honesty that takes the long view, the wide view, the view that may or may not…In a recent Medium post, kelly corrigan reminds us that in a real friendship, hard feedback and kindness are sometimes the same thing—with…Jan 28, 2021Jan 28, 2021