A New Newsletter!Hey friends. It’s been so, so long since I checked in on Medium. A lot has changed! And I’ve really missed writing about fitness. Medium…Jul 17, 202419Jul 17, 202419
Published inBetter Humans7 Smart Exercises For Your Messed-Up BackThese moves are for you if you’re prone to back pain and you want to strengthen your body, feel better, and prevent future problems.Jan 11, 20223563Jan 11, 20223563
Published inBetter HumansA No-Equipment Move That Seriously Challenges Your AbsBonus: a (still-hard!) modificationDec 27, 20213864Dec 27, 20213864
Published inBetter HumansA Shoulder-Strengthener That Works The Lower Body TooThe push press is fun, challenging, and efficientDec 20, 20213061Dec 20, 20213061
Published inBetter HumansA Stretch to Bring Relief to Your Lower Back, Hips, and MoreIt feels amazing (and looks fancy, too!)Dec 13, 20218232Dec 13, 20218232
Published inBetter HumansBiceps Curls, Three WaysHow varying your style of curl will help you get even strongerDec 6, 20212624Dec 6, 20212624
Published inBetter HumansA No-Equipment Move To Counteract Too Much SittingIf your holiday was a little too relaxing, try this.Nov 29, 20219266Nov 29, 20219266
Published inBetter HumansBuild Shoulder and Deep Core Strength With One DumbbellMeet the rowtation!Nov 22, 2021343Nov 22, 2021343
Published inBetter HumansInstantly Release Shoulder and Neck Tension With This Counterintuitive MoveIt looks a little weird but feels amazing — and could even help you feel less stressed.Nov 15, 20218174Nov 15, 20218174
Published inBetter HumansWarm Up Your Body With This Tough But Gentle MoveFeels great, challenges your core, stretches your legs: What’s not to love?Nov 8, 20214076Nov 8, 20214076
Published inBetter HumansA Rotational Exercise To Strengthen the Outer Thighs and ObliquesPlus, why rotation is beneficialNov 1, 20212133Nov 1, 20212133
Published inBetter HumansA Helpful Stretch for Knee IssuesIt’s a great way to loosen tight quads and hip flexors.Oct 25, 20212992Oct 25, 20212992
Published inBetter HumansA Helpful Way to Stretch and Strengthen the WristsTry this next time your wrists are feeling stiff.Oct 18, 2021185Oct 18, 2021185
Published inBetter HumansAn Efficient Muscle-Building Exercise for Your Arms and BackHow to strengthen the upper back and triceps in one goOct 11, 20213416Oct 11, 20213416
Published inBetter HumansA Three-Part Stretch Your Hips Will LoveSometimes known as the “world’s greatest stretch,” this move gives tight hips reliefOct 4, 20219666Oct 4, 20219666
Published inBetter HumansA No-Equipment Move to Wake Up Your Glutes and AbsTry this before your next run or walkSep 27, 20213081Sep 27, 20213081
Published inBetter HumansA Back-Strengthening Move That Helps Correct Forward Head PostureQuick check: Are you hunching? Time to try this.Sep 20, 20211.3K9Sep 20, 20211.3K9
Published inBetter HumansOne Move to Build Muscle, Correct Imbalances, and Improve Grip StrengthAll you need is one heavy weight.Sep 13, 20214804Sep 13, 20214804
Published inBetter HumansBuild A Stronger, More Functional Core With This Smart MoveYou’ve never done a bicycle crunch quite like this.Sep 6, 20214921Sep 6, 20214921
Published inBetter HumansTight Hips? Spend 30 Seconds Doing ThisA hip flexor stretch frequent sitters needAug 30, 20214044Aug 30, 20214044