8 Things You Don’t Have to Do Anymore

As your life starts to slowly fill up again, find a few ways to keep cutting yourself some slack

Annaliese Griffin


Photo: tolgart/Getty Images

Years ago, in a prenatal yoga class, I heard a question that fundamentally changed the way I think about everything, from hosting Thanksgiving to handling my inbox: “What can you not do?”

The instructor didn’t mean it as an assessment of our limits (“What are you not able to do?”) but rather as an invitation for us to take stock of what we could drop from our crowded lives (“What can you stop doing?”).

That invitation was life-altering, and I want to pass it on. Even if you’re a hyper-organized planner who zooms through to-do lists and self-soothes by researching better ways to bullet journal, you need a release valve. If it feels weird to let yourself off the hook, please allow me to give you permission. You’ve earned this slack.

Here are eight things you don’t need to do after surviving a global pandemic.

Reconnect with a bad friend



Annaliese Griffin
Writer for

Annaliese Griffin is a writer and editor who most recently led the Quartz Daily Obsession, an award-winning newsletter. She lives in Vermont with her family.