These 5-Second Micro-Habits Can Change the Way You Think

The key is repetition

Michelle Loucadoux
Published in
6 min readOct 1, 2021


Photo by Susan Gold on Unsplash

Your mindset is everything. The way we see the world extraordinarily impacts how we interact with it. And we have the power to actively change the way we think (thanks, neuroscience!).

Changing the way you think is conceptually extremely simple, but it requires Herculean patience and dedication to repetition. In short, we can all shift the way we think using mental micro-habits. Small shifts in the way you look at situations, the way you speak to yourself in your mind, and the way you view the situations you encounter can create new neural pathways in your brain.

Will they change your life immediately? Nope. That’s why they’re called habits. Will they change you eventually? You bet your bottom satoshi, they will. The fact is, in order to change your brain and, thus, your mindset, you need to repeat a behavior a significant number of times.

If you don’t create a new habit, your brain will most likely not change. An article by Tara Swart in Forbes says, “For the brain to rewire itself it requires a sustained practice of a new behavior which will sufficiently challenge the brain to think in a new way. Imagine how difficult it is to learn a new language or take up a new instrument — this is how hard your brain needs to work to stimulate growth and forge new neural pathways.”

So, give the seven tactics below a try, but if you want to make them stick, you’ll need to turn them into habits. Luckily, though, most of them will take you less than five seconds to complete.

Start with a ‘morning mindset’ phrase

I thought my mom was crazy. Every morning, she would walk into my room, slide open the drapes, and in a sing-songy voice say, “Good morning! It’s a wonderful day!” Teenage Michelle was perpetually annoyed. Nevertheless, throughout my life, that one phrase has stuck with me. In spite of myself, I have woken up every day thinking it would be a wonderful day. And it is a wonderful day if I’m awake and still here.

Conversely, my husband’s initial morning monologue goes something like, “Oh, God. Another day of the grind.” It’s a very different start, to say the least. And inevitably, we start our days…



Michelle Loucadoux
Writer for

Author, educator, and self-improvement nerd. Co-founder of Danscend. My books: My email: