3 Adventures to Plan for a Better Week

A formula for giving yourself something to look forward to

Laura Vanderkam


Illustration: Dora Godfrey

As pandemic life drags on, many of us are appreciating (and/or missing) the joy of having something to look forward to. An upcoming party gives structure to a weekend. A planned beach vacation makes the winter doldrums bearable. Some research has found that anticipating positive events can reduce negative feelings in stressful situations; other studies find that thinking about future positive experiences can nudge wiser choices in the present.

Covid-19 has made this all more challenging, and the predictable psychological result is a certain level of malaise. Fortunately, you don’t need tickets to Tahiti to reap the mental benefits of anticipation. I’ve studied how people feel about their time, and I’ve found that even a little positive expectation can go a long way. To make your calendar feel more joyful, you just need to set aside time for three things every week:

One big adventure



Laura Vanderkam
Writer for

Laura Vanderkam is the author of several time management books including Off the Clock and 168 Hours. She blogs at LauraVanderkam.com.