100 Very Short Rules for a Better Life

Ryan Holiday’s favorite lessons on success, relationships, and being a good human

Ryan Holiday
Published in
5 min readFeb 25, 2021


Credit: Westend61/Getty Images

In his essay On the Happy Life, the philosopher Seneca makes an extended list of rules for living a good life. It’s everyone’s wish to live better, he says, but we are often in the dark on how to do so.

Except… we’re not. At least, we don’t have to be. So many people have struggled in the dark before us, and their experiences and lessons have created light. Living a good life starts with learning from one another.

With that in mind, here are 100 rules that have helped me live the life I want. Some have come from my own experiences. Others are pieces of advice I’ve been given, or wisdom from things I’ve studied. Your mileage may vary for each of these, but hopefully some of them will help you in your own pursuit of living a good life.

1. Wake up early.

2. Ask: Am I using this technology, or is it using me?

3. Forget about outcomes — focus on making a little progress every day.

4. Say no (a lot).

5. Read something every day.

6. Don’t watch TV news.




Published in Forge

A former publication from Medium on personal development. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Ryan Holiday
Ryan Holiday

Written by Ryan Holiday

Bestselling author of ‘Conspiracy,’ ‘Ego is the Enemy’ & ‘The Obstacle Is The Way’ http://amzn.to/24qKRWR

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